Josip Križaj Aeroklub Ajdovscina organises glider pilot course (SPL), private pilot course (PPL) and ultralight course (UL).

Candidates may apply to the address of the Flying Club: Goriška cesta 50, 5270 Ajdovščina, or e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The theoretical SPL course starts in March, and flight training begins in the last week of June for SPL. PPL Course can be individually agreed for PPL and UL.
A glider pilots candidates can apply at age of 13 years (14 years for flight training is minimum). Private pilot candidates can enter flight training at 16 years of age.

Initial training is carried out on the aircraft Blanik - L13 (SPL) ,  aircraft Piper Pa28 - Warrior (PPL) ir VIrus 121 (PPL).


Glider towing course is carried in taildrager Piper Pa18 - SuperCub. Check for availability.


Applicants for UL pilots after successfully passing a medical examination and basic theorethical training can begin flight training. Currently AK Josip Križaj has two UL aircraft: powered hang glider type Spider and one ultralight aircraft type S. Storch
Additional information can be obtained at the office of the Flying Club Josip Križaj in Ajdovščina, or on tel: 05 3689192 or 031555315 for glider and powered flight, while for Ultra Light training call 041 506457 - Bojan